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The Mandela Effect

     Ever have one of those moments where you watch an old movie or pick up an old book, and hear a quote or see something doesn't feel right? We all have. But what about a special case, where the exact same broken memory is shared by a large number of people? Many people — mostly total strangers — seem to remember several of the exact same events with the exact same details. However, those memories are different from what’s in history books, newspaper archives, and so on. This strange Phenomenon has been named The Mandela Effect



51 or 52 United States?
What do you guys think? What other Mandela Effects
have you noticed? 

     What causes people to experience the Mandela effect? Are their parallel realities that constantly slide back and forth between each other? Did at some point between the years of 2009 and 2012 we switch into a parallel universe where things that we remember happening but didn't actually happen? Was there a glitch in the Matrix creating inconsistencies in our memories?  Or Are people just dumb and forget minor easy to forget things and confuse them with other small irrelevant easy to forget things? Or is it caused by false news and misunderstandings when crossing borders?




Why do so many people outside of America think that the U.S. have 52 states?


I’m from Portugal, and I thought it was 52 states in America too!


Victor agreed:

What the heck? I always thought there were 52 States in America. I’m from Brazil btw.


Jasper Allen (in the U.K.) said the same:

I was also taught at school that America had 52 states.


Siphakeme said:

i grew studying that the US has 52 states too


Kassia said:

52 States (I am European),etc, etc

     Is this just a widely accepted fact thats taught in schools around the world that is in reality false? Or, in an Alternate Reality, are the Distric of Columbia (a province) and Puerto Rico (a territoy) actually States! Did this America switch realities with an alternate?




     Is there any truth behind Mandela Effects or are the just the result of shared confusion or similar characters and events? Did the Monopoly man (Rich Uncle Pennybags) actually have a monocle or is he consistently confused with similar monocled, mustachioed and dapper gentlemen? Not even JP Morgan himself, the inspiration for the monopoly man had a monocle, but he did have glasses. What do you think, do you remember the monopoly man with a monocle?

Doesn't the monopoly man have a monocle?

*Mayor Mayer's design was actually based off of Pennybags, yet he has a monocle while Pennybags doesn't. Possible proof of the Mandela Effect?

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